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Overland Vehicle Systems

Overland Vehicle Systems Aftermarket Products for Overlanding and Wilderness Adventures With Your Vehicle 


The mission of Overland Vehicle Systems is To Inspire and Empower People To ADVENTURE. Overland knows what you need and have the right gear to get your there. We’re passionate very experience off road team that has more than 70 years of combined experience within the off-road community.

Engine » Harmonic Balancer

Harmonic Balancer


What is a harmonic balancer?

The harmonic balancer (also called crankshaft damper) is a round metal and rubber disc that works as a damper to absorb vibration caused torsional crankshaft harmonics and resonance from the engine as each cylinder fires.


Are aftermarket harmonic balancers worth it?

Yes. OEM harmonic balancers are designed specifically for the level of vibration caused by a stock, factory engine. As you add horsepower, the harmonics and resonance change, and the OEM harmonic balancer simply cannot provide the same level of damping. Increasing horsepower without adding an upgraded harmonic balancer will cause premature wear and failure of the damper, as well as putting more wear on your engine.